With effect from 01 April 2022
Fees For Treatment
Payments must be made after each treatment.
Initial Assessment:
60 Minutes @ £70.00
Follow Up Appointments:
Physiotherapy: 30 Minutes @ £55.00
Acupuncture: 30 Minutes @ £55.00
Physiotherapy With Acupuncture: @ £60.00
Initial Assessment 60 Minutes @ £70.00
Follow up: 30 Minutes @ £55.00
D.N.A/U.T.A: @ £25.00 if 24 hours notice is not given to cancel or change and appointment.
Domiciliary Treatment:
Domiciliary visits will be quoted for, on an individual basis – please ask at reception.
Health Insurance:
This practice is recognised by most of the main insurance companies. Please contact your own company to check on their rules of access to physiotherapy.
You can link to the BUPA website www.bupa.co.uk or to AXA PPP at www.health-on-line.co.uk